
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Why you should go beyond MONEY and connect with TRUE WEALTH – Here are 10 ways

Why you should go beyond MONEY , and connect with TRUE WEALTH – Here are 10 ways

If I have to write one last article before I die it would be the one that you are reading. Don’t worry I am here to stay and we as a team will continue to write more and more articles! This article is special to us and I am glad I got this opportunity to share my thoughts on true wealth with you. Before you read any further I have few requests, don’t react to the content, read the content slowly, sink into the content and see how you can figure out your own way or process to connect with your true wealth.
By true wealth – I mean something that really matters to you and something that is close to your heart.
A lot of people out in the world are striving for high returns, perfect financial products and earning more MONEY but somewhere they are losing touch with their true wealth and so today we want our readers to get in touch with their true wealth.

1. Great and loving relationships

If you are stuck in any relationship, no matter how much you try you won’t be able to live a fulfilled life. I interact with a lot of people who find themselves stuck in some or other relationship (they call it as disturbance in life). When relationships lack workability you lose half of the battle in the world. Because your bad relationships start to consume your mental energy and it takes you away from the kind of life you want to live. We invite you today to take some steps in your life to resolve relationship issues where you are stuck. There is nothing that you cannot resolve inside of a conversation and so start having dialogue with the other person where you can make that particular relationship better. Either get out of such relationship or continue but don’t remain stuck.

2. Relationship with Parents

Your parents are your source relationship. You may have a lot of money, huge bank balance and everything with you but if you are incomplete with your parents you will never ever be fulfilled. If you want your life to work, see that you maintain good relationship with your parents. I was once interacting with one of our clients whose father is bedridden from last few years and his father now occurs to him as burden ( he is frustrated with his situation). He is willing to take care of his father but as a duty and not lovingly. I could clearly see in his life that he earns fantastic, has everything in life but this was an area where he was stuck and so was not able to experience life at its fullest. If possible write a letter to your parents (even if they are not alive) and make sure your relationship with your parent’s works. You just can’t afford to have non-workability in this relationship.

3. Building Great Home Environment

Your home environment really matters. I and my wife always feel that as parents our only job is to provide good environment to kids and nothing else. Environment which is positive, alive and creative. Sharing from my childhood, I had very normal childhood but I witnessed a lot of family quarrels and disputes which had negative impact on me as a child. Your home environment is the greatest gift you can give to your family and kids and so pause for a while and see what best you can do to enhance your home environment. This is the greatest wealth you can ever gift to your kids and family members.

4. Do what you love

I and Manish love what we do and we see that as our success. I left my family business and he left his high paying job so that we could follow our bliss. According to us, it is a complete waste of life if you have to wake-up every day and have to do work which you don’t like doing. I am not asking you to quit your job or immediately start your own business. But be clear that your work (your daily creation) is your true wealth and so see that you love and enjoy your work. See that you nurture your work and your work nurtures you. At the end when you reach 60 or 65 you will not see work as an opportunity to earn money, but it will be about something else. (And I am sure of that). You can read how Manish had quit his job for his passion

5. Take good care of your body parts

A lot of people get so busy with their routine life, somewhere they stop taking care of their own body. If I have to put the same in a harsh way I would say “People abuse their own body”. Jim Rohn said, “Your body is the only house in which you are going to live”. A few days back one of my close relative had some hearing problem and when they approached doctor they were told, the patient will not be able to hear by left ear. They were adviced to buy hearing machine at the earliest. This person now takes great care of his second ear. Your each and every body part is important and you have to care for yourself. Here is a great thread on Quora about some misconceptions about health and wellness.
Do you go for regular dental check-up? Do you go for regular eye check-up? Or regular health check-up? Or exercise regularly? – We are not saying anything new but we know that a lot of you need to bring attention to your body. This article will teach you 10 mind-blowing things “Health” can teach you about “Wealth”

6. Loving circle of clients and colleagues

Majority of you spend a lot of time in your office with your colleagues or having interaction with your clients. Most people have loving family and loving friends in their life but it is important to have loving circle of clients and colleagues. I was once having conversation with one of our clients who had some major issue with his boss and so he was not able to focus on other areas of his life. Stop blaming people, take all the politics and professional insecurities out of your work life, stop judging people you work with because when you judge people you are not able to form loving circle of colleagues and clients. People you surround with are part of your true wealth because that is from where all the support, information and leverage is going to enter your life.

7. Stay connected with your hobby

When we lead our workshop we ask people to raise their hands if they have any hobby in life. A few hands raise as majority of them do not have any hobby in life. Hobby is something that you love doing without any compulsion or pressure. This is something you do for your own self and not for someone else. It helps you to rejuvenate, it gives you a chance to connect with your own self-expression and so I always urge our clients to stay connected with their hobby. Your hobby is your true wealth; your hobby is your companion who will be with you all your life.

8. Give quality time to your kids

My son is now 1 year and 2 months old (young) and I love playing with him and his little friends who visit our home. As parents a lot of people set children education goal and marriage goal but more importantly you have to spend quality time with your kids. In the first 5-8 years of kids upbringing it is important that you spend more and more quality time with your kids. It is my dream to write a book on how to teach kids about money ( I see it as my duty to do something for kids). After you return home instead of watching soap operas, see that you spend quality time with your kids. Here it is not about quantity it is always about quality.

9. Build a small library at home

A lot of people have home theater at their home but they do not have library. I am not against owning a home theater because I have one at my home. I always tell my wife that the only wealth I am going to pass on to my next generation is my collection of books and nothing else. I would not like to pass on money to next generation but I will pass on books through which they can build their own capacity to produce and create wealth. Make sure you build your small library at home with some quality and inspiring books (And don’t forget to add our 3 books to your library)

10. Spend time with Nature

Being with Mother Nature is your greatest wealth. Where I live we have peacock and peahens visiting our house every day. Every day evening I spend some time sitting in my garden doing nothing and I just BE with Mother Nature. I invite you to spend 10 to 15 minutes every day with Mother Nature, it has tremendous power in it and it will leave you with a lot of energy and peace of mind. Wherever you live see that you stay connected with nature by some way or the other.
Some Final words
In life always stay grounded and connected with your true wealth. You are free to make list of what you consider as your true wealth and take steps to give yourself fully to what matters to you. We want our readers to grow, we want each one of you to always stay connected with your true wealth. We also want you to help others in connecting with their true wealth.
This is how we can spread jago effect; this is how we can create a world that works for everyone. Do share your key insights with us in the comment section. If you have any better idea do share the same with us.
Note – This article is written by Nandish Desai
for details click below

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