
Monday, March 9, 2015

A Must Have For Homeschool Moms

K5 Learning


I am not a homeschool mom. My girls attend a school during the day. That does not matter to me. Just because they go to school, we do most of the education in the evenings and weekends. We learn through play. My girls are always learning but they do not even know it. We have so much fun. As much fun as we have together there are certain subjects that from time to time need to be reviewed such as reading and writing. When the opportunity arrived for me to review K5 Learning I was thrilled. 


The K5 Learning program is a program that makes learning math and reading fun. The math includes math examples as well as math facts while the reading focuses on reading and spelling. This program has everyone from kindergarden until fifth grade.

This is the best part, there are two logins one for parents and one for students. To show you how amazing K5 Learning really is, I will tell you all about each one. 


Before you start this program, it is up to the parent to create an account. The parents account is amazing. Very interactive and a pleasure to work with. There are many resources for the parent as well as for the student. You get it all. 

Student and Reports:
In this section, the parent can keep track of the child from a distance. As my girl is just starting first grade, I am focusing more on accuracy rather then speed. Later on however, when speed becomes more important in math, I can always go back and re-assign a lesson or two to help build this up. I can really taylor the program for my girl based on her needs at the time.

Assesments/Change Levels:
K5 Learning recognizes the fact that the parent knows best when it comes tho their children. If at any moment, I want to make a level easier or more difficult, I have the power to do so to suit the needs of my child. 

Worksheet Center:
Some parents do not always want their children to be on the computer and so K5 Learning has a huge amount of printable worksheets. They really have everything including a cursive writing section and flash cards. Very well thought out.

For the parent both in school or at home, this program has everything to track and help keep your little one up to par. You have access to everything. All you have to do is choose one or more areas to work with your child on, have them take the assessment and get to work. I only touched upon what the parent has. As this program is really for the child, lets get going and see how much fun learning through K5 Learning really can be. 


Home Page:
This is geared for kids and so the homepage is simple yet very interactive. With three illustrations the child can select from read and math, math facts or spelling. 

Reading &Math:
As my little one is in first grade, I like to start with something simple so she can learn the program before she advances. Saves on frustration later on. The reading is really simple and fun. It has some great illustrations and takes the child step by step from letter recognition to sounds. Very simple to follow and fun.

Math on the other hand starts with cute illustrations teaching the kids about number. After that it advances to addition drills. We skipped the number recognition and went to a drill. The drills are great. They start off with a lesson. It explained that anything plus zero is the number. As I previously mention I am more into accuracy then speed. This program is unlike others I have tired in that has patience. It will wait for you and give you a check plus for speed. My girl so far has seen more positive then negative and this makes her want to learn more.

Math Facts:
This is great in that you can choose what to learn. These are more drills and less illustrations but easy for the child to follow with a great lesson the beginning. Like I previously mentions we are starting with zero and advancing based on how my girl feels. I want her to learn at a happy fun pace.

A super important part of eduction, I feel children need to practice this most and my girls are no exception. After choosing the number of words per quiz, my girl had to listen to a word and then spell it out. We are only on 3 letter words but the more she learns with me and in school, I will increase the levels using my parent account.

My only real issue with K5 Learning is that is ages out after fifth grade. With so much to offer, I would love to see them extend the grade levels or come up with a program through high school. They teach the basics in such a fun way. 

Bottom Line:

Although my girls attend a school during the day, if I were to home school them, this is the program I would use. It is fun interactive and my girls can learn at their own rate. I love this program and plan on using it for my first grader until she ages out after fifth grade.

Are any of your kids signed up with K5 Learning or any other similar program?

for details click below

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