
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Red Within People of Latin America An Attempt To Venture The Leftist Sentiments

I perhaps went half mad when the FIFA World Cup 2014 was going on.I was so excited,mesmerised when the Latin Americans made their goals (Though I also cheered for other Third World Countries like Ghana,Nigeria and all the others from Africa or the Middle East.)But us Indians have a terrible sentiment within for the Latin America.So,when a football match and one like the World Cup had been going on,a lot of us cheered our hearts out for them.I was keen and enthusiastic throughout the session and I remember how I started muttering You have got to make it when Brazils matches were going on and I went on repeating that sentence - until,yes,they made it.But when the final match came up,that between Argentina and Germany,I was not one inch less concerned about the Latin American Pride and Glory and I wished they would win,I kept muttering,I sat upright and got all that hyperactive.I never wished any European country to make a record of winning the world cup football in Latin American soil.When Germany won,I felt shattered.When Goetze was running across the field in utter delight,I felt a certain sentiment and it was so deserting a feeling.I could see them cry and supporters of Germany were cheering.I was strong all this while and still made it but only upto this limit.I just turned across my pillow (it was past midnight in India then) and tried to close my eyes.But I could feel the warm liquid rush down my face.When I read about the Cuban revolution and still read about it,I feel a sense of pride.When I saw the photographs of the dissected body of Che Guevara,I was traumatised and I dont know how to explain how I felt and still continue to feel when I think about what CIA did to him,what CIA has been doing to the world.When I read about Tania the guerrilla (Bolivian Revolution), it was as if I had been linked to these incidents from many,many years.
There are reasons why I love Latin America,though.I love the natural beauty of the place and I love the Red sentiment the people are so evident and serious,yet passionate about. 
Even today,when United States will go to any extent to root out every symbol of any kind of Leftist Ideologies from anywhere in the world,a lot of Socialist and Communist bases still exist in Latin America.Ernesto Che Guevara is himself,still a cause for the existence and extent the ideals cover today.In popular culture,Guevara is seen as a figure by many teenagers which according to me is a view as stupid as it can ever get to.His life is not only all about The Motorcycle Diaries or the crazy times he has had with Alberto Granado.His life is basically about struggle - class struggle.Even if he himself hailed from an upper middle class background,he had raised his voice for the Proletariat.Cuban Revolution,battle of Santa Claura do not just signify adventure,it explains that we can do it - we can get rid of sinners if we are united.Guerrilla warfare is of course not applicable anywhere but necessary changes can be made to the principles of Marxism to fit it in the context of a country.

The wide Red Base in the world - Latin America

The other huge factors are leaders like Fidel Castro,Hugo Chavez and Salvador Allende,to whom and whose contributions,emotional links are quite natural.Castro was a very close friend of Che and the way they had engineered the revolution,it proves their immense political intelligence.Che himself had designed the economical structure on which Cuba could work on.(Reference : Our America and Theirs written by Ernesto Che Guevara.)And of course the diplomat President Kennedys plans had failed to root out the existence of red from Latin America.Cubas infant mortality rate is less than that of United States and the medical facilities that such a small country (in terms of geographical area) has been able to come up with.
I remember a very popular slogan used by Venezuela - "Chavez vive,La Patria Sigue",which means as long as Chavez lives,fatherhood would prevail.President Chavez was administratively able and politically successful.People of Venezuela loved him and even after his demise in 2013,they still would continue to respect and love him until the end.
The incident of the military coup by Augusto Pinochet with necessary aid from United States is bound to leave every human heart moved.I had read Allendes last speech before they bombed his house and killed him.It was brave,it was something leaders are supposed to do and he was an ideal leader.He did a lot for the people and the only part of the country that did not like him were the capitalists and the silly clergy.(How can you talk about god when you dont know how to love people of your country?)It is very nice to know that Pinochets rule was ultimately thrown and democracy restored. Bachelet is a very able leader and has gained mass popularity owing to the incidence of General Alberto Bachelet and how Michelle and her mother was tortured in the prison cells.There were thousands killed in Chile and there were still thousands who went missing.The government under Pinochet was immensely corrupt and laid to foreigners the full access to the market.President Bachelet has got a part of the economy in the governments hand after the Socialist Party got elected by the people.
No matter what happens,how much America tries to get their hands into the business of Latin America,its never going to get easier to demolish this sentiment and after all,it is the people who are the decision makers.I dont think this evil system called Capitalism will ever make it totally in this wide Red base in the world.Though there is still a long way to go with the economy in these countries,we still find some peace looking at the fact that the great dictators have not yet made it here.Long Live Red! Long Live Revolution!

Unlike the other prudential and researched works in this week,this post allowed me some emotional space that I enjoyed writing all this time.I have circles from Latin America through the social networking spaces and I cant express how happy I am to work with them.Even young teenagers from Latin America are prone to the red sentiment.

Disclaimer - The photograph used does not belong to me.
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